リールひと巻の尺は3分弱。巻き切った時点で、巻き戻しが必要だった。家にあった映画の中には、4〜5巻に渡る長めのものもあり、最後まで観ようとすると上映は何度も中断した。リール交換のたびに、いったん雨戸を開け、次のリールをセットし、再度部屋を暗くしてという作業が何度も繰り返された。それでも私たちは楽しくてたまらなかった!我が家のファミリーシネマテークの所蔵作品には、短編アニメもあれば、動物ドキュメンタリーも何本かあった。なかでも『Quelques types de singes(原題)』は傑作で、兄、姉、弟、そして私、皆お腹をよじって笑い転げたものだ。『Le caméléon(原題)』も忘れてはならない。体色の変化こそが特徴のカメレオンなのに映画はモノクロというのだから何とも間が抜けている。フィクション分野で特筆すべきは何本かあったチャップリンの短編。もちろんサイレント映画期のものだ。私の当時のお気に入りは『チャップリンの伯爵』。残念ながら今では私の記憶もやや薄れてしまったが、あの頃はすべてのシーンを完璧に覚えていた。子供心にチャップリンのヒューマニズム、詩的情緒豊かな感性、作品の普遍性、先見性に魅せられて以来、彼に対する深い敬意は今も変わらない。
The Count(1916)
Directed by Charlie Chaplin
The very first spine-tingling film experience in my life dates back to my childhood. My father used to have an old Pathé Baby cineprojector. It was a home movie projector with a manual wind-up handle that enabled to screen 9.5mm film with central perforations. Those days were often rainy Sundays. As a reward for us being good at home, my father climbed up a ladder, protectively brought down a big cardboard box stuffed with the projector and short films from the top of a cupboard. Then, he spread a bed sheet tautly on the wall, and closed window shutters. This was the start of preview screening.
The running time of one reel was just about under 3 minutes. Once the film was wound up, we needed to rewind the reel. Among the films we had at home, there were 4 to 5 reels of relatively long-length films as well, so the screening was very often suspended if we tried to watch them till the end. Every time reels needed to be exchanged, those cycle of activities - once opening the widow shutters, loading the next reel, then making the room dark again - had to be repeated. And yet, we couldn't help but be amused! Our family cinematheque collection ranged from short animation films to several animal documentaries. Especially "Quelques types de singes (Original Title)" was a masterpiece of all others, my older brother and sister, younger brother and I used to roll on the floor being convulsed with laughter. Also, we must not forget "Le caméléon (Original Title)". It is pretty dim-witted that the film is monochrome when it deals with a chameleon whose very feature is metachrosis. The works deserving special mention in fictional films that we had were several short films by Chaplin. Obviously, they were from the time of silent movies. My favourite of the time was "The Count". Although my memories of the film unfortunately slightly faded by now, I used to memorize all the scenes completely. Ever since I was enchanted as a child by his humanism, his affluent poetic sensibility, the universality of the work, and his far-sightedness, my deep respect to Chaplin has never changed.
Directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer
Before long, I realized my father as a teacher of philosophy was actually quite a cinéphile. Each week, he hosted a cinema club at a local theatre, and each time, he picked up one great film director (such as Bergman, Antonioni, Dreyer, Buñuel, or Rossellini, literally too numerous to list here!), screened the film, and expounded on it. Though I was just standing at the entrance of puberty at that time, I came to participate several times in his cinema club as his assistant. What I especially remember is "Ordet" by Carl Theodor Dreyer. I was probably 12, or 13 years old, I got a strong impression as if it deeply engraved in my heart. To be honest, the screening titles were a little bit too difficult for me back then, so there were many things that I couldn't quite comprehend. Nonetheless, there were things that I started to understand as well. It was that film is not just an entertainment, it is also an art, letting the viewers think about the world and themselves, giving them opportunities to surmise the depth of human soul. Watching the works of directors all over the world, listening to the various languages different from my own mother tongue, I was experiencing a bliss of discovering the sceneries that I had never seen, humans with unfamiliar faces…For me, it was like a trip. Why I subsequently decided to go to the world of film was that I guess I was driven by a certain desire. It is a desire to discover unseen places in this world I am living, a desire to go outside on my own, get to know men and women, who are all the same human beings, but nobody ever is the same, that is to say, others.
© Danish Film Institute
Directed by Jean-Luc Godard
Then, Godard had appeared. Although I was too young to go see it in real time when "Breathless" was screened in 1960, it was an incredible impact when I watched it for the first time a few years later! Intense explosive experience! It was as if winds of liberty were blowing through, smashing the classical narrative into smithereens in a moment, drastically changed the circumstances. As time goes by, now some may love Godard (I am one of them.), some may criticize him as an arrogant and abstruse bastard, yet at any rate, nobody can deny that he has kept reversing our pattern of thinking since last 60 years. Although, we also have to stand up in response to his provocation!
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